Not Loving the Unnatural Feel of Your Smile? Dental Implants Could Help

April 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Owen @ 9:28 pm
Senior woman smiling naturally

It can be hard to feel natural when you’re missing teeth. Your bite rests awkwardly, foods you used to love have become troublesome, your smile has a completely different vibe – and maybe you’ve even noticed some new wrinkles. Basically, life has just felt a little off lately.

So you’re in the market for a dental replacement. But you’re worried dentures won’t solve the problem. They can be loose, cumbersome, limiting – and more importantly, you’re too young for dentures! You’re absolutely right, and that’s why so many patients love dental implants. Keep reading to see how these replacements can help you maintain your youthful zeal.

Dental Implants Look and Feel Natural

The main reason patients like dental implants is that they’re incredibly similar to natural teeth. Your dentist will customize your implant to match your other pearly whites, down to the size, shape, and color. Once they’re placed, they’re not going anywhere, so they’ll also be as firmly planted as the real thing. When you chomp down or rest your bite, you’ll be pleased to find your implant not only fills the gap, but also seamlessly falls into alignment.

Your Dental Implants Are Strong Enough for That Steak

It’s no secret that dentures limit what you eat. This can be a true tragedy, as food is not simply pleasurable (although that’s a definite perk) but also deeply cultural and social. There’s just something about an indulgent meal that connects people. With a dental implant, you can enjoy a holiday dinner just as much as everyone around you. They boast 70% bite power, so your implant will out-bench every other replacement option!

Have Effortless Conversations with Dental Implants

The teamwork between our teeth and tongue is how we form speech, so gaps in a dental lineup or slipping dentures can alter the sounds we make. Of course, if you have a dental implant that’s rooted to your jaw just like your other teeth, you don’t have to worry about sounding mumbled or slurred. Whether you have the voice of Morgan Freeman or not, you’ll experience a smooth exchange between your teeth and tongue!

Dental Implants Can Keep You Looking Young and Healthy

We all want to stay young and healthy, and guess what? Dental implants can help with that too! Over time, a dental gap can prompt your other teeth to shift, and you’ll actually lose bone mass in your jaw. While other replacement options can keep your teeth from moving, only dental implants can help preserve your jawbone. This will improve your oral health and keep wrinkles at bay for as long as your implant lasts – which is to say, decades!

Are dental implants sounding like a good option? With a 95% success rate and overall patient satisfaction, it’s easy to see why. They’re a fantastic way to promote your oral health and let your natural smile shine. So if this seems like a match made in heaven, call your dentist and ask for a dental implant consultation!

About the Practice

At PeaksView Dental, we prioritize quality patient care. Our dentists want to get to know you as well as your teeth and would be happy to meet with you for a consultation. As a well-rounded and experienced team, they’ll help you achieve that vibrant smile you’ve always wanted! To contact our office call 540-586-8106 or visit our website for more information.